Cafe Latte

Lately, it has been raining everyday during the afternoon. I usually have a cup of coffee to wake myself up during this time. The other day, I had coffee and an oatmeal cookie at Cinema ‘76 Cafe at Anonas after donating my hair. It gave me all the feels as it was emo weather and I had comfort food.

I highly recommend this cafe because it offers al fresco dining, affordable snacks and coffee, and of course, OPM music on repeat. Do check this out on your next cafe trip! You won’t be disappointed.

Flat White Purls

Yesterday, I got to knit while on a lunch meeting. As always, it has helped me focus on the matter at hand. It also helped that my Figaro flat white was brewed strongly, just as I prefer it to be. 


My go-to lunch at Figaro is their adobo flakes kare-kare, which never disappoints. It is filling, comforting, and flavorful- truly, it is the quintessential Filipino meal. 


Never underestimate the power of a handmade hobby and a power lunch. You will nourish your body and your soul, as you go along with your day. May you always find a way to make work better, one meal and stitch at a time.

The Craft Central Cafe

I have been sharing my craft journey here on my blog, whether it is through knitting, journaling, or brush lettering. I have been fond of working in cafes and restaurants, but sometimes, people tend to stare or blurt out unkind remarks when I stay at a place that is not necessarily for crafters. 

This is why I am ecstatic that The Craft Central finally opened their cafe at Vertis North. It is close to home, packed with craft supplies and handmade goods, and is a safe space for crafters! 


Their menu features light food, which is perfect for crafters to munch on during an hour or two of working. 


I was happy to discover that they also carry yarns and notions! 


I ordered the parmesan chicken picatta open sandwich, and it was delicious!  


I simply feel giddy whenever I am surrounded by handmade love.  


The cafe has a balcony with succulents! 


For dessert, I had a brownie and their delicious americano.  


It was difficult not to feel happy as I was eating beside these jars of calligraphy ink... 


...and locally-made pins! 


The cafe also has decent WiFi connection, so I was able to watch the ADB Meeting via livestream.  


I had a yummy meal, a productive seminar via the interwebs, and a new hangout! I will surely be back!

Learn, Knit, Nom

Yesterday, I finally finished the scarf I was knitting for my best friend. 


It was my first time to make a man scarf so I hope this works well during an overseas trip or two. 


I started another scarf, this time for one of my closest girl friends. I am using the popular Shawl in a Ball yarn. 


I was giddy because I was also wearing my new leather mules which I purchased from local brand Tutum. They looked fab with the floor at Pablo. 


I continued knitting at Pablo. Their mini chocolate cheese tart was delicious with their coffee. 


Their coffee maker was also adorable!


After finishing my coffee, I proceeded to the Asian Institute of Management to attend the lecture on Technology and Big Data lecture I was invited to. 


More knitting ensued as I waited for it to begin. 


The professor’s credentials and the topic of our talk are on the screen. 


It was an insightful lecture and I was happy to attend it!  

I was craving for pasta after class so I went to Cibo for my favorite Farfalle Alla Genovese.  


I also had a chill P2P ride home where was able to knit and nap. 


I had a lovely Friday and I couldn’t ask for more! I look forward to more opportunities to learn, try new food, and knit in colorful spaces. 

Magic Wands

Yesterday, I knitted at Cafe Mary Grace while eating lunch. I had my favorite chorizo and olives pasta, which was a delightfully hearty meal. 


I also had coffee after my meal. 


By the time I got home, I was greeted by my online shopping from Gantsilyo Guru.  


I bought yarns and notions, which included a pair of 4.5mm knitting needles in PINK! 


Opening the needles felt like a Harry Potter moment.  


In addition to that, I also got point protectors so my knitting won’t slip from my needles when stored inside my handbag. I also got a bamboo crochet hook in 5.5mm, which is perfect for my usual yarn. 

I am happy to have discovered yarn crafts, and I am also glad that my tools are affordable and accessible. I hope to enjoy more opportunities to knit, crochet, and create. 

Black Coffee and Knitting

Yesterday was a laid back time for knitting. I stayed at SGD Coffee for my favorite SGD black. It was the perfect drink for some freestyle knitting. 


I love their full-bodied coffee and unpretentious ambience. They also have fast internet connection! 


I attempted to read while knitting too.  


After my solo coffee x knitting time, I met my Banaue Knitting Adventure tour mate-turned-friend Tricia (and her husband Cholo!) over coffee and pie at Pi Breakfast and Pies. I got the smash pie and brewed coffee. 


It was their yema pie and it was delicious! It was also lovely to catch-up with Tricia while knitting. 


I look forward to more afternoons for crafting, bonding with friends, and amazing coffee!